I can't play online on H3, i rented it, took it back and got another copy but I STILL have the same problem. I'll go to matchmaking, then it will say "Failed to retrieve information from Xbox Live", then I will have to wait about 10 minutes for it to finish and let me start looking, then it will take 10 - 20 minutes to find 3 - 6 games, then it will find players, then once we are all loaded and getting ready to play, it will say "RESTARTING SEARCH!"...
Halo3 XboxLive help?
that is wierd, wow, ive never heard of that, if it was recently , it may have been because since the last update of xbox live, xbox live has really sucked, i get messages like "could not complete process" alll the time now. and yesterday, i couldnt log on at all for a long time. and alot of people on my friends list had the same problem. im sure xbox will fix it soon. its really annoying, sometimes i have to sign in like 3 times. or sometimes, (i play call of duty 2) it will not let me join games so i have to like try about ten times, or just make my own game. its so ridiculous. i really hope they fix it soon.
that is probably what it is, if you were having this problem yesterday, then its probably because there was severe server problems yesterday. (server in case you dont know, is what allows everyone to get online etc.)
Reply:I don't know but I just got Call of Duty 4 it blows Halo 3 out of the water IMO so just go get that :p
Reply:Something is wrong with your xbox 360 or Xbox live connection not halo 3
Reply:The same thing happend to me try again later I think there just fixing or updating the Halo online gaming. Don't worry it happends every once in a while.
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